Distinguishing difference from disorder in childhood speech and language disorders in multilingual children with Karla Washington

Karla Washington, PhD, Associate Professor and Director PedLLS Lab, The University of Cincinnati

Special Guest: Karla Washington
Karla’s Lab: Pediatric Language Literacy and Speech Outcomes Lab

Recommended Reading:
SeeHearSpeak Resources and Jamaican Creole Language Project

Intelligibility in Context Scale (JC translation, 2014) [speech, online resource]

Validation of the Intelligibility in Context Scale in the Jamaican Context (2017) [typical speech: functional intelligibility and transcription based intelligibility, publication]
*first study to use audio administration of the ICS
*first study to include parent inter-rater and intra-rater reliability for the ICS

Automated detection of similarities and differences in Jamaican children’s speech (2017) [typical speech, publication]
https://asa.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1121/1.5014954 (abstract)

Index of Productive Syntax for Jamaican Preschoolers (2019) [typical language: morphosyntax, publication]

Characterizing bilingual speech sound production in Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers (2019-2021) [typical and disordered speech: sound production and production variability, NIH research grant]

Sensitivity and Specificity of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (2020) [typical and disordered speech, publication]

Variability in speech sound production in Jamaican preschoolers (2020) [typical speech, publication preprint]

Narrative competence in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers [typical narratives: comprehension and production, forthcoming publication]
Current Student Projects
Appropriateness of standardized assessment for bilingual Jamaican Creole- and English-speaking preschoolers: Application of adult models (2020) [language, dissertation research – Mrs. Rachel Wright Karem]

Language transfer and cross-linguistic effects for Jamaican Creole and English [language, dissertation research – Mrs. Rachel Wright Karem]

Functional communication and speech sound production in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers (pre and post- COVID-19) [functional  in typical and disordered groups, dissertation research – Mrs. Leslie Kokotek]

Speech production variability in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers: Acoustic models to distinguish difference and disorder [typical and disordered groups, dissertation research – Miss Michelle León]

Characterizing speech variability in monolingual vs bilingual speech [typical groups – MA research experience – Chloe Kaplan and Ellington Muse]
Distinguishing difference from disorder in childhood speech and language disorders in multilingual children with Karla Washington
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