Distinguishing difference from disorder in childhood speech and language disorders in multilingual children with Karla Washington
Special Guest: Karla Washington
- Bio
Karla’s Lab: Pediatric Language Literacy and Speech Outcomes Lab
- Sharynne McLeod
- Yvan Rose
- Tara McAllister
- Catherine Crowley
- Carol Westby
- Anna Sosa
- Toby Macrae
- Devon House Jamaica
- International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children's Speech
- LEADERSproject
- The state of school-based bilingual assessment: actual practice versus recommended guidelines
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Children and Youth Version
Recommended Reading:
- Anansi Stories
- https://www.amazon.com/s?
- k=anansi+and+the+moss+covered+rock&crid=QBBX91LIH5L9&sprefix=anansi+and+the+moss%2Caps%2C145&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_1
- https://www.amazon.com/s?k=anansi+and+the+talking+melon&crid=LIQTA18VEVSB&sprefix=Anansi+and+the+%2Caps%2C159&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_15
- https://www.amazon.com/s?k=anansi+goes+fishing&crid=119825YYTOY7H&sprefix=Anansi+goes+%2Caps%2C143&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_12
- Berenstain Bears
- Nancy Drew
- Hardy Boys
SeeHearSpeak Resources and Jamaican Creole Language Project
Intelligibility in Context Scale (JC translation, 2014) [speech, online resource]
Validation of the Intelligibility in Context Scale in the Jamaican Context (2017) [typical speech: functional intelligibility and transcription based intelligibility, publication]
*first study to use audio administration of the ICS
*first study to include parent inter-rater and intra-rater reliability for the ICS
Automated detection of similarities and differences in Jamaican children’s speech (2017) [typical speech, publication]
https://asa.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1121/1.5014954 (abstract)
Index of Productive Syntax for Jamaican Preschoolers (2019) [typical language: morphosyntax, publication]
Characterizing bilingual speech sound production in Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers (2019-2021) [typical and disordered speech: sound production and production variability, NIH research grant]
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (2020) [typical and disordered speech, publication]
Variability in speech sound production in Jamaican preschoolers (2020) [typical speech, publication preprint]
Narrative competence in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers [typical narratives: comprehension and production, forthcoming publication]
- https://www.leadersproject.org/2015/12/04/slam-bunny-goes-to-school-cards-jamaica/ (Jamaican Creole story pictures and comprehension questions)
- https://www.leadersproject.org/2015/03/18/slam-dog-comes-home-school-aged-language-assessment-measure/ (English story pictures and comprehension questions)
Current Student Projects
Appropriateness of standardized assessment for bilingual Jamaican Creole- and English-speaking preschoolers: Application of adult models (2020) [language, dissertation research – Mrs. Rachel Wright Karem]
Language transfer and cross-linguistic effects for Jamaican Creole and English [language, dissertation research – Mrs. Rachel Wright Karem]
Functional communication and speech sound production in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers (pre and post- COVID-19) [functional in typical and disordered groups, dissertation research – Mrs. Leslie Kokotek]
Speech production variability in bilingual Jamaican Creole and English-speaking preschoolers: Acoustic models to distinguish difference and disorder [typical and disordered groups, dissertation research – Miss Michelle León]
Characterizing speech variability in monolingual vs bilingual speech [typical groups – MA research experience – Chloe Kaplan and Ellington Muse]