DLD Advocacy and Working Memory with Lisa Archibald
Lisa Archibald, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Western University (Canada) Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Interaction between language and memory in typical and atypical development, Role of memory in communication disorders
Research Interests: Interaction between language and memory in typical and atypical development, Role of memory in communication disorders
Special Guest Contact Info
Lisa Archibald:
Webpages and Resources
- We Speechies X Page
- WesternDLD2 final projects: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/lwm/teaching/dld2.html
- Supporting DLD in the classroom: https://youtu.be/PKegRlHFqH4
- OSLA working paper on DLD: Implementation in Ontario: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/lwm/osla/index.html
- DLD: The childhood disorder we need to start talking about: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2019.00094
- SLP-Educator Collaboration: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2396941516680369