Speech norms, eligibility for speech treatment, and advocacy with Holly Storkel and Kelly Farquharson
Learn about recent controversies surrounding eligibility for speech treatment, those 'new' speech sound norms, and advocacy for your 'artic' kids.
Holly Storkel, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Innovation and Student Success, The University of Kansas
Kelly Farquharson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Associate Professor, Florida State University; Director of the Childrens' Literacy and Speech Sound Lab (CLaSS Lab)
Favorite Children's Books:
Articles and Resources
Holly Storkel
Holly Storkel
- Open Access Clinical Forum Prologue: Speech Sound Disorders in Schools: Who Qualifies?
- Open Access Clinical Forum: Using Developmental Norms for Speech Sounds as a Means of Determining Treatment Eligibility in Schools
- Open Access Clinical Forum: It Might Not Be “Just Artic”: The Case for the Single Sound Error
- Open Access Clinical Forum: Standardized Tests and the Diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders
- Open Access Clinical Forum: Eligibility and Speech Sound Disorders: Assessment of Social Impact
- Clinical Research for SLPs on Facebook (Storkel and Farquharson are part of admin for this group)
- Farquharson, Storkel, & McLeod ASHA 2018 presentation handouts
- McLeod and Crowe 2018 Speech Norms Across Languages Article
- Seminars in Speech and Language: Special issue on articulation and speech disorders
- Blog about the 'new' speech norms by Meredith Harold
- Kelly Farquharson interviewed on the True Confessions podcast about this topic